Friday, November 19, 2010

Cara at Night, New work at Julie Nester Gallery

Cara at Night, 52x28in, o/c, by Daniel Ochoa
 New work on reserve for solo show at Julie Nester Gallery

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Capturing the Shadow, at Crowned Museum in Taiwan.

Study, oil on duralar, by Daniel Ochoa

My work will be included in a group show called "Capturing the Shadow" at the Crowned Museum in Kaohsiung, Taiwan with artists Ross Bowns and Hsuan-Chi Chen.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Carmel Art and Film Festival, Fine Art Auction

  I recently participated in an art auction with the Carmel Art Film and Festival. Below is an image of the painting I submitted for the event which took place last month.

Walk Adelante, 16x12in, o/c by Daniel Ochoa

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Studies on duralar

Brazo's Moving, oil on duralar, 9x4inby Daniel Ochoa

Shoulder in Cuarto, oil on duralar, 10x8, by Daniel Ochoa


Aqua Cuarto, oil on duralar, 10x8in, by Daniel Ochoa

 Here is a group of small figure studies done with oil on duralar.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Alumni Fine Art Auction

Venda the Ojos, oil on canvas, 14x11in, by Daniel Ochoa
15th Annual Faculty + Alumni Fine Art Auction
Benefiting the University's Student Scholarship Fund.
Venda the Eyes, the image below, will be available at the live auction.