Thursday, January 21, 2010

Julie Nester Gallery- Pictures of reception

Excerpt from write up in 15 Bytes by

"The artist does not determine art’s function. Society does, and as the age of art that celebrates the corporation and its financial beneficiaries implodes from its own corruption, art may once again permit us to share the vision of those who see more clearly and speak more universally. It’s not that Daniel Ochoa wants to fit his human subjects into a predetermined mold. Rather, he explores the qualities of the individual face, the particular limb, the precise motion, in confidence that his explorations will yield specific facts that will tell us things that are true of all humanity."

Friday, January 8, 2010

Tocar the Piano

Tocar the Piano, 48x34in, oil on canvas

Available - Julie Nester Gallery

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

E.A. Retrato

E.A Retrato, 60x48in, oil on canvas

Available - Julie Nester Gallery