Friday, December 18, 2009

Dedos Close and Far, 40x30in, oil on canvas

Oreja Moving, 40x30in, oil on canvas

Solo Exhibition December 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mano and Fingers, 14x11in, oil on canvas (top)
Cara to the Side, 20x14in, oil on canvas (middle)
Pecho and Face, 16x12in, oil on canvas (bottom)

Available - Julie Nester Gallery
Solo Exhibition December 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

Auto Retrato with Bandana

Auto Retrato with Bandana
, 36x36in, oil on canvas

Piernas and Legs, 72x48in, oil on canvas

unavailable - Julie Nester Gallery
Solo Exhibition December 2009